Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rock Nouveau

For my graphic design history class, we had to do a project where we take a style of art in history and replicate it. I decided to do Art Nouveau, Mucha's style, with a modern twist. I love Mucha, and I know I don't do him justice, but here's to trying. I wanted to do a guy with long hair, and with the help of friends' suggestions, this is what I came up with. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Woot Guitar Hero :)


Mayte Aristondo said...

Like I said on your DA site...LOVE it! :D But I forgot to ask you...what program did you use? Photoshop or Illustrator...or both? :P lol

Kelly S said...

Photoshop only. :) I had a bunch of layers.